2002/2003 Research Operating Funds




Brian Gilfix Dr. Louis G. Johnson Foundation Grant (Investigator)            2002
Valerie Désilets Canadian Institute for Health Research (Co-investigator) Male Mediated Developmental Toxicity: Chemotherapy, Sperm Chromatin, Psychosocial and Progeny Outcome 2003 - 2008
Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation (Co-investigator) Isolation of fetal free DNA in maternal serum to evaluate CFTR gene mutations in fetuses at risk for cystic fibrosis.

2003 - 2004

FRSQ (Co-investigator) Groupe de recherche Groupe de recherche en diagnostic prénatal. Etablissement d'une banque de données 2001 - 2003
FRSQ (Co-investigator)                         
Suivi prospectif des nouveaux-nés avec hernie diaphragmatique congénitale.
Ken Dewar Genome Canada/Genome Quebec Large-scale project: Regulatory Genetics – High throughput screening of gene targets related to common genetic diseases. 2001 - 2005
Eleanor Elstein

Medical Research Council of Canada                      
Anti-hypertensive drug use and the risk of cancer.   

2000 - 2002
William Foulkes US Army (PI) Locating a prostate cancer susceptibility gene on the X chromosome by linkage disequilibrium mapping using three founder populations in Quebec and Switzerland. 1999 - 2002
  Cancer Research Society-Canada (PI). Towards a molecular description of Proteus syndrome.

2001 - 2003

  US Army (PI) Is breast tissue from women who carry germ-line BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations abnormal? An immunohistochemical study.

2001 - 2002

  NIH- U S A                                    
Prostate Cancer Susceptibility: The ICPCG Study.
2002 - 2006
  Valorisation Recherche Québec VRQ/FRSQ (Co-Investigator)       
Banque de tissus et de données pour le cancer du sein et du l'ovaire.
2002 - 2006
  Canadian Institute for Health Research (Co-Investigator)            
Programme de recherche en appui aux politiques de santé en génétique dans un souci de qualité, d’efficience et de bien-être social.
2003 - 2007
  US Army (PI)                                    
Identifying early events in BRCA2-related breast cancer using isogenic cell lines.
2003 - 2004
Thomas Hudson Canadian Foundation for Innovation (PI)                    
Expansion of genomics and proteomics infrastructure in Quebec
2002 - 2006
  Genome Canada/Genome Quebec (PI)                    
Large-scale project: A Haplotype Map of the Human Genome-Biomedical Tool for Genetic Research in Canada.
2002 - 2005
  Canadian Institutes of Health Research (clinical investigations)       
Genetic and Environmental Factors in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Focus on chromosome 1, apoptosis, and the environment.
2002 - 2007
  Canadian Institute of Health Research                     
Operating grant
Selection and Validation of Target Genes Implicated in the Clinical and Biological Features of Ovarian Cancer
2002 - 2005
  Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International                    
A function-driven, large scale approach to the search for type-1 diabetes susceptibility genes.

2001 - 2006

Genome Canada/Genome Quebec (PI)                    
Large-scale project: Regulatory Genetics – High throughput screening of gene targets related to common genetic diseases.
2001 - 2005
  Genome Canada/Genome Quebec (PI)                    
Expertise Centre: The Montreal Genomics Node of Excellence.
2001 - 2005
  Genome Canada/Genome Quebec (Co-investigator)               
Large-scale project: Atlas of Genomics Profiles of Steroid Action.
2001 - 2005
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PI)                   
Genetic Analysis in Canadian Populations

2001 - 2006

Valorisation-Recherche Québec                        
Plateformes structurantes du réseau cancer du FRSQ : modélisation, services d’analyses et banques de tissus et de données
2002 - 2006
Burroughs Wellcome Fund (PI)                        
Genomic approaches to identify genes predisposing to asthma
2002 - 2007
Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec                    
Projet Cart@gne - Développement de puces a AND a haut débit
Réseau de Médecine Génétique Appliquée
2001 - 2004
Canadian Institute of Health Research                    
Operating grant
ARSACS: Understanding the Disease
2001 - 2006
  Canadian Institutes of Health Research                    
Ecogene-21: An alliance for research in community genetics
Community Allianceses for Health Research
2001 - 2005
  Multiple Sclerosis Foundation                        
Program Grant
Myelin Gene Regulation: A Multidisciplinary approach
2000 - 2003
Montreal Breast Cancer Foundation                        
Expression chips and breast cancer. Why do women get breast cancer? Clues for the prevention of breast cancer from an understanding of predisposition.
2000 - 2003
Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec                   
Axe cancer du sein et de l’ovaire : Réseau de banques de tissus et de données
Réseau Cancer
  2000 - 2003
Canada Foundation for Innovation and matching funds from        
Government of Quebec, Biochem Pharma, PE Applied Biosystems & Fisher Scientific Regional/national facility program (PI)
Montreal Genome Centre
1999 - 2003
Networks of Centres of Excellence – Phase III (PI)                
Genotyping core facility
Canadian Genetic Diseases Network [CGDN]
1998 - 2005
Networks of Centres of Excellence – Phase III (PI)                
Expression studies using high-density arrays
Canadian Genetic Diseases Network [CGDN]
1998 - 2005
Kenneth Morgan Networks of Centres of Excellence (Investigator) Group Grant           
Canadian Genetic Diseases Network - Phase III: From genes to therapies
1990 - 2005
Networks of Centres of Excellence (Investigator) Group Grant       
The Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems.
1999 - 2005
Canadian Institute Health Research (Investigator) Strategic training program grant
Training centre in integrative biology of infectious diseases and autoimmunity.

2003 - 2008

Canada Foundation for Innovation (Investigator)  Infrastructure       
Montreal Genome Centre (04/1999 - 06/2003).
1999 - 2003
Genome Canada/Genome Quebec (Investigator)                
Genome Quebec Genomic Centre; Large-Scale Project: Regulatory Genetics - high throughput screening of gene targets related to common genetic diseases
2001 - 2005
Genome Canada/Genome Quebec (Investigator)             
Genome Quebec Genomic Centre; Expertise Centre: The Montreal Genomics Node of Excellence
David Rosenblatt March of Dimes (PI)                                
Identification of genes for cobalamin-dependent homocysteine remethylation.
2001 - 2004
Canadian Institute Health Research                        
Inborn errors of cobalamin and folate metabolism.
2001 - 2005
Garrod Association                                
Molecular analysis of patients with classical and atypical methylmalonic aciduria.

2001 - 2002

Guy Rouleau Canadian Institute Health Research                       
Characterizing the gene for peripheral neuropathy agenesis of corpus callosum callosum.
2002 - 2007
Canadian Institute Health Research                         
Molecular Genetic Investigation of Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy.
2002 - 2007
MDA US                                    
Identification of a new gene for autosomal dominant familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
2002 - 2004
Patricia Tonin FRSQ: Reseau cancerologie                            
Operating - Group
Banque de tissues et de données pour le cancer du sein et du l’ovaire.
  2000 - 2005
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (Investigator)               
Host Institution: Université de Montréal - Infrastructure - Innovation Fund
Reseau de banques de tissus et de donneés pour le cancer du sein et de l’ovaire
  2000 - 2004
Valorisation-Recherche Québec (VRQ) (Investigator)           
Operating - Group
Banque de tissues et de données pour le cancer du sein et du l’ovaire.
2002 - 2006
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (Investigator)                
Infrastructure - Innovation Fund
Expansion of genomics and proteomics infrastructure in Québec.
2002 - 2006
Canadian Institutes of Health Research                     
Identification of tumor suppressors in epithelial ovarian cancer.
2002 - 2005
Genome Canada & Génome Québec (Investigator)                
Operating - Group - Large-scale Projects
Integrative Genomics for Women’s Health program (IGWH).
2002 - 2005
Canadian Institute of Health Research (Collaborator)           
Selection and validation of target genes implicated in the clinical and biological features of ovarian cancer.
2002 - 2005
Canadian Institute of Health Research (Investigator)           
Infrastructure (for the purchase of Celera Genome Database)
Celera Genome Database.
2002 - 2005
Cancer Research Society, Inc. (Investigator)                    
Characterization of breast cancer families of French Canadian descent:   A genetic analysis of a founder population in the search of a novel breast cancer susceptibility gene.
2002 - 2004
Cancer Research Society, Inc. (Investigator)                   
Strategic Grant
A model for modulating genetic and epigenetic events that influence the metastatic potential of ovarian cancer.

2002 - 2004

Montreal Breast Cancer Foundation (Investigator)               
New modalities for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
2003 - 2006


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