2000/2001 Research Operating Funds


ELEANOR ELSTEIN Medical Research Council of Canada (Co-applicant) 2000-2001 $   71,247/yr
WILLIAM FOULKES National Cancer Institute of Canada ( Principal Investigator) 1999-2002 $ 100,667/yr
US Army 1999-2002 $   95,667 US/yr
US Army 1yr (FY00 award) $   50,000 US
National Cancer Institute of Canada (Co-investigator) - Group grant 2000-2003 $   10,000/yr
BRIAN GILFIX Fonds da la recherche en santé du Québec, Réseau de médicine génétique appliquée 2000 - 2001 $    5, 000/yr
THOMAS HUDSON Canada Foundation for Innovation and matching funds from Government of Quebec, Biochem Pharma, PE Applied Biosystems & Fisher Scientific (Regional/national facility program) Montreal Genome Centre:  Thomas J. Hudson, Kenneth Morgan, Howard Bussey, Danielle Malo & Pavel Hamet April 1999 – June 2003 $8,250,000
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc., Affymetrix (Whitehead Institute subcontract - Industrial Award): July 1999 – June 2000 $  500,000 US/yr
Medical Research Council of Canada (Operating grant): April 1999 - Sept 2001 $ 132,744/yr
Medical Research Council of Canada (Operating Grant) T.J. Hudson’s allocation Oct 1999 – Sept 2002 $   43,000/yr
Networks of Centres of Excellence - Phase III
Canadian Genetic Diseases Network [CGDN]:

M. Hayden and the members of the CGDN (Thomas J. Hudson, P.I.)
April 1998-March 2005
1)  Core Facility - genotyping 1998-2000 $  95,563/yr
 2000-2001 $156,613/yr
2001-2005 approx $  95,563/yr
2)  Expression studies using high-density DNA arrays: 1998-2000 $   98,566/yr
2000-2001 $ 113,000/yr
2001-2005 approx $  98,566/yr
Networks of Centres of Excellence – Phase II
Canadian Arthritis Network Dr. Hudson’s allocation:
April 1999- March 2001 $  24,000/yr
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (Program Grant), Alan Peterson, Andras Nagy, Thomas J. Hudson, Régen Drouin &Webb Miller April 2000 to March 2003 $   69,000/yr
Montreal Breast Cancer Foundation (co-investigator) March 2000 - May 2000 $   35,000/yr
June 2000 - May 2001 $   35,000/yr
US Army - Prostate Cancer Opportunities (Group grant) Sept. 1999 – Aug. 2000 $  2,000 US/yr
Sept. 2000 – Aug. 2001 $  2,000 US/yr
Sept. 2001 – Aug. 2002 $ 17,000 US/yr
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Group grant) Jan.2001 - Dec.2005 $3,210,297
National Institute of Health - Operating Grant )
March 1998 - June 2000 $2,607,695 US/ yr
KENNETH MORGAN Networks of Centres of Excellence (Investigator) 2000-2001 $  165,100/yr
Medical Research Council of Canada (co-applicant) 2000-2001 $  132,744/yr
Networks of Centres of Excellence (Investigator) 2000-2001 $   25,800/yr
additional from MGHRI as partner $   19,733/yr
Canada Foundation for Innovation (Team member)
Amount awarded:

(See information from Tom Hudson)

DAVID S. ROSENBLATT Medical Research Council of Canada - Genetics Group 1999-2000 $   91,426/yr
NIH Group Grant 1999-2000 $ 17,857 US/yr
GUY ROULEAU Fonds de Recherche en Sante du Quebec DNA and lymphoblastoid cell bank for Quebec 1998-2001 $  14,000/yr
National Institutes of Health -
Etiology of restless leg syndrome, a sleep disorder
1999-2002 $  54,283 US/yr
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 2000-2003 $ 165,000/yr
PATRICIA TONIN Canadian Institute of Health Research (Co-investigators) April 1999 - March 2002 $  81,000/yr
Canadian Institute of Health Research (Co-investigator) Oct. 1999 -Sept. 2002 $162,000/yr
The Cancer Research Society, Inc. (Investigator) Sept. 2000 - Aug 2002 $  50,000/yr
Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec:
Reseau cancerologie - Group Grant
Jan. 2000 - July 2001 $  648,000/yr
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (Investigator)
University of Monteal - Host
July 2000- $  999,463
Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative (Co-investigator) July 1999 - June 2000 $   49,188
The CURE Foundation (Investigator) Oct. 1999 - Sept. 2000 $   55,000/yr


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